Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bathtub Picasso (attempt 2)

Some of you may remember the time I made Oliver foamy bathtub paints using shaving cream and food coloring... and he hated it.  Well some time has passed and he has had more interest in coloring so why not try again?

After scrubbing the boy down I handed him a tray of watercolors.  A little backwards?  Should I have given him the paints before cleaning him? Perhaps.  Whatever, the paint rinses right off.

He enjoyed it.  Yay!

Usually Nate handles bath time.  He took over when I was big and pregnant and it's become Oliver's preference that Daddy does it.  Well daddy wasn't home so I got to wash the monkey.  I have such great memories (and awesome pictures) of bathtimes past.  Some of my favorite memories are of his bathtime.  He really loves splashing around in the tub.  It's so fun.  So I'm happy to add another element of enjoyment.

There are more pictures with better smiles... but they need some censoring... so here is what I am able to share.

I totally recommend giving your kids watercolors in the tub.  Super fun.  Cleans up in seconds.

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