Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Not-Quite-As-Glamorous Life of a REAL Real Housewife.

Much to my husband's dismay, I am a fan of Bravo's Real Housewives series.  I love the glimpse into high society life and the drama that comes with having big bucks, (not an issue I need to be worrying about).  But I find myself questioning the title of the show.  "Real?" Oh, I don't think so.  Even "Housewife" is an inaccurate portrayal for quite a number of the women filmed in the various cities.  As far as I am concerned, a REAL housewife doesn't lead the glamorous life these ladies lead.

I, on the other hand, am a REAL housewife.  I am with my child 24 hours a day without the help of a nanny, au pair, or baby nurse.  If I don't cook dinner there sure as hell is no chef picking up my slack.  My closet is entirely devoid of designer labels, which isn't much of an issue as I am not attending any of THE social events of the year.

My home is messy, but filled with love.  I have been known to spend the entire day in my pajamas.  On the days I do get dressed I cannot guarantee it includes doing my hair and makeup.  I hate cleaning and I hate cooking which makes my role as homemaker just a little bit difficult.  I'm not perfect- not nearly.  Yes, I can go days at a time without leaving the house, and yes, we probably watch too much TV.  There are days I doubt myself and whether I am a good enough wife and mother, but I must be doing something right.

My son is just beautiful, and his eyes SHINE when he smiles, (and he smiles a lot).  His laugh is music and nearly breaks my heart with its perfection.  He is smart and happy and confident.  My husband loves me, and I never question that.  He laughs at me in a way that makes me happy.  He thanks me for little things like doing the dishes and he's not being snide or sarcastic.  We are comfortable with silence and comforted by each other's presence.  Sometimes we dance to no music, (and neither of us can dance).

I know that there are women far more together and energetic than I am.  My best friend is a mother of 3 under age 4 and is always dressed, made up, running errands, and all with dinner cooked by lunch time.  But I am pretty positive that there are just as many out there who can relate to my life. 

There is no shame to living the life that works for you.  We all have our insecurities, and we all have room for improvement.  Step back for a minute and take stock of the overall picture.  Your home is a mess, but is your family happy?  Your child is running around in a diaper, but are you chasing and laughing with him? You're tired and disheveled, but does your husband make you feel beautiful?

Consider this my introduction.  Nice to meet you.  This blog is my attempt at exercising my brain and writing something longer that a Facebook status update.  Follow along and share your own opinions and experiences as I share some of my own thoughts, experiences and challenges.

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